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Adolfo Cal

Smiling Person


Adolfo Cal

Adolfo Cal was 25 years old when selected to be part of the GOJoven Belize Program. Adolfo is from AguacateVillage, a remote community in the Toledo District, and speaks Ketchi Maya, as well as English and Creole. He is has served as a volunteer for Humana Child Aid Toledo, and in 2005, he graduated from the JulianChoTechnicalHigh School, where he received a Diploma in Vocational Studies. This hard-working individual looks forward to furthering his education and believes that education can make a difference in someone’s life. Adolfo is a dedicated leader in his community: hosting sporting activities, helping the elderly, and taking part in an advisory meeting in Dangriga to advocate for better youth policy. His dream is to open a youth resource center in his community, which promotes education, sexual and reproductive health, and sustainable agriculture and tourism as sources of income.

Alumni Association

GOJoven Belize

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