Valentine Jones
Valentine is an empowered, outspoken young woman who stands for what she believes in. She was born in the south side of Belize City. After attending secondary school at the Anglican Cathedral College (ACC), she attained her Diploma in Business and is currently pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration at St. John’s Junior College. Working for three years at Pharmacy Express gave Valentine strong customer service skills she can put to use in other sectors. Valentine considers herself a youth advocate in Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and women’s right in Belize. She sits on the Youth Advisory Board of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), where she provides key recommendations for interventions that fit the need of youth in Belize. Her experience at UNFPA exposed her to becoming the Youth Development Coordinator for a Non-governmental organization called Youth Advocacy through Arts (Y.A.T.A), where she educates youth about social issues through entertainment. She also became the Young Adult Teacher at Trinity Assembly of God Church sharing her leadership abilities in spiritual growth and volunteers at Belize Volunteer Club (BVC). Valentine aspires to take her work advocating for equal rights of women locally the international level.